I came across “Simplify Your Life” by Elaine St. James, a national best seller back in the 1990’s which is about exactly what the title states. Though the book is not about personal finance, it is amazing how much of the advice St. James gives also applies to anyone trying to straighten out their finances. Here are some of the best tips with regards to money that she gives.
1. Reduce the clutter in your life.
8. Cut your laundering chore in half.
19. Move to a smaller house.
20. Drive a simple car.
22. Build a simple wardrobe.
24. Rethink your meals with friends.
27. Cancel your magazine subscriptions. ( In addition to not having to pay for subscriptions, most magazines are trying to sell you more stuff.)
28. Stop the newspaper delivery.
33. If you don’t like the holidays, bow out.
37. Take a vacation at home. (Not applicable to me right now, because I need to really get away. But for the most part there are a lot of places right in our own backyard which we have never experienced.)
40. Rethink your buying habits.
41. Change the way you shop.
42. Reduce your need for goods and services.
43. Get rid of all but one of your credit cards.
48. Next time you buy a car, get it secondhand.
51. Work where you live or live where you work. (Though she was referring to the time saved not being on the road, gas prices today make this especially important.)
57. Simplify your eating habits. “Eliminate processed foods.” (These foods can be higher in fat and prices.)
58. Always split a restaurant meal.
60. Make water your drink of choice.
62. Pack your own lunch.